For today's Saturday Snapshot I am displaying my laptop's current desktop wallpaper.
It happens to be the sunrise as it appears from my balcony here on the 14th [technically the 13th] floor. This has been my morning scenario for fifteen years now.
And the sunsets are even nicer.
I live in Ottawa, Ontario -- capital city of Canada. And I LOVE it.
Just this past week, for the third consecutive year, Ottawa was ranked by MoneySense magazine as the #1 Best Place To Live in the entire country.
The criteria involved important things like: income, low crime rate, doctors per 1,000 sick people, amount of drive-thru hamburger joints -- things like that.
I'm so proud of my city, even though in the same week it was also ranked as the #1 Unfaithful City in Canada. As a confirmed bachelor, this more negative news does not greatly affect me one way or the other.
In the last chapter of the book I just finished reading [W.G. Sebald's The Emigrants] one of the characters reminisces about emigrating to England -- "I can no longer say exactly what thoughts the sight of Manchester prompted in me then, but I believe I felt I had found my destiny."
And later, he says "…with every year that passes a change of place seems less conceivable. Manchester has taken possession of me for good. I cannot leave, I do not want to leave, I must not."
These sentiments reflect my own feelings of Ottawa.
[Note: Clicking on the photos will make them considerably larger.]
The pointy thing in the more panoramic photo below [not the smokestack column, but the other pointy thing to the left of it] is the Peace Tower of The Parliament Buildings -- Canada's equivalent to Big Ben, in London.
Hence, I live in the very heart of the action -- but just far enough away that when birds glide on by, I hear their wings in the air.
Thank you, Alyce -- for hosting this terrific Saturday Snapshot meme @ At Home With Books.
Beautiful shot!
I love a view - you are so lucky to have it and it is great that you appreciate it! I hope I don't sound awful, but I think that it is hysterical that Ottawa is Canada's Most Unfaithful City - LOL! Thanks for the post :)
What a beautiful sunrise! With a view like that there's probably always a lovely scene outside your windows. I love Ottawa too! I spent many years there as a child and young adult. I still get back sometimes but not as often as I would like.
Lovely view and perfect height. I had to laugh at 14th but really 13th floor. We do that here in Chicago too. As if that floor goes into n-space and no longer exists because there's no elevator button for it!
My memory of Ottawa is of the gorgeous tulip beds planted around the government buildings and near the RideauCanal (?) ... it was just lovely ... You have a wonderful view from your 'aerie'.
Fabulous view! I've never been to Ottawa, but now I want to visit!
I've only seen parts of British Colombia and Alberta.
My brother lived in Saskatchewan for a year back in the 1970s.
Thanks for sharing...and here's MY SATURDAY SNAPSHOT
Great picture. Living somewhere with a view is such a bonus :-)
What a lovely view to wake up to!
That's a great panoramic view! I've never been to that part of Canada, but it looks beautiful!
Wow, I wouldn't want to leave that view either!
A wonderful shot of a lovely view. I learned something about Ottawa today!
That is a great shot, but it makes terrific wallpaper view.
I love your view! It looks "movie worthy"
It's so lovely to have a view to watch, and watch the changing of the seasons and the daily events like sunrises. I'm glad that you love where you live, not enough of us do that.
What wonderful views! I especially enjoyed looking at them enlarged.
Nice try, Ottawa boy. Just because my town is way down to 75th or some crazy low number you have to rub it in....;) Love this picture. It feels fresh and cool, just like a morning.
And I'm trying to resist the obvious politicians + unfaithfulness snarky comment.
Thank you to all my dear readers for tuning in and commenting on my Room With A View!
Happy Springtime to one and all.
-- Cip
Perfect! xxx
Some say Vienna tops another list of "Best Places to live" - so we both are very lucky. Your view is better, though, than mine. :-)
Merisi, your blog has taught me, and shown us all, that Vienna is probably the most staggeringly beautiful city on the planet. Either this, or we've been viewing the photography of a magician!
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