Saturday, March 03, 2012

Tears of Joy: A Saturday Snapshot

I ate this thing last night.
It's my latest downfall -- The Angus Third-Pounder© at McDonald's.
It almost makes me cry, it's so good.
You can get 'em in two styles -- Cheddar & Bacon, or Swiss & Mushroom.
I always choose this second format because I'm convinced that when it comes to the proper preparation of bacon, well, it's sort of an art form. Its got to be done right, as in, not too crispy. I hate over-cooked pig.
But [trust me] McDonald's has this Swiss cheese and mushroom business really figured out, down to a science. It's truly a fantastic burger. And they've really up-scaled the bun on this one. Plus it comes in a real nifty carrying case, as you can see.
Mmmm…. "I'm loving' it" as they say on TV.
They could have chosen a better name for this burger though.
Angus Third-Pounder is just so… anti-climactic.
It sounds a lot more -- gourmet -- if you say it in French:
Tiers De Livre.
Which, being interpreted, means Tears of Joy…. [I think].

So, this is my Saturday Snapshot. Thank you Alyce, for hosting this wonderful meme at your awesome site, At Home With Books.



Merisi said...

How about Angelic Burger? *sounds of Gregorian Chants* ;-)

Cipriano said...

See, Angelic Burger is very much on the right track, yes.
Even though I was thinking of something more... visceral, like maybe The Cow'Rific Moo-Stopper! *theme from The Good, The Bad, and the Ugly*

Margaret @ BooksPlease said...

I'm not a burger fan, but you've almost made me want to try this. I always think they smell better than they taste.

Louise said...

I don't really eat McDonalds food, but I know (from the ads) that they have quarter pounders here, never heard of a third pounder, but is sounds funny to me. Tears of joy sounds so much better!

Eva @View from the Hillside said...

It looks really good, though I would probably have gone for the bacon :-)

(Diane) Bibliophile By the Sea said...

The only thing we occasionally eat from McDonald's is the "bacon, egg and cheese on a biscuit". Although that does look somewhat gourmet for a burger. Glad u liked it.

Staci said...

My youngest son can eat two of these. When they first introduced them he had a serious love affair going on with the sandwich!! I like the name in French!

Christine Rains said...

Luckily my husband isn't awake to see that photo! That would be his breakfast!

Kaye said...

It does look like better fare than the usual McDonalds. I always wonder what else they put in the "meat" so we don't eat there too often. I'd be interested to see the ingredients.

Susan Lindquist said...

Oh, what a decadent treat ... makes a Quarter Pounder look absolutely shabby ...

Eugenia O'Neal said...

That looks good! Thank goodness we don't have McDonald's here or me and my scale would be forever at war!

Laurel-Rain Snow said...

I haven't eaten anything at McDonald's in years, but their ads do make my mouth water.

Usually my youngest grandson wants to go to Taco Bell these

Thanks for sharing, and now my mouth will be watering for awhile, even though I don't usually eat burgers!

You certainly captured as good a shot as those in the commercials!


Paulita said...

You're so brave to risk criticism for admitting you like McDonalds food. People eschew McDonalds nowadays and make it sound like it's only for teenagers or the poor. This looks delicious. Of course, I haven't eaten for two days since I've been sick,so that might add to my attraction to it. Here's Mine

Beth said...

“What doesn’t kill you makes you stronger…”
For your sake, I’m hoping this applies. ;)

Lisa said...

Luckily, I make it a habit not to ever get too close to drive-thrus. It would be too easy to get sucked in by something like that. (I swore the McGriddle would be my last fast food sin.)

Alyce said...

Well I can't think of a clever name, but I agree that the Angus name isn't lively, plus then I feel like they've named the cow that I'm eating from (even though I know it's just the type of cow, it still is a little too "Restaurant at the End of the Universe" for me). Of course I say that, but I was really hungry...

Leslie (Under My Apple Tree) said...

I haven't eaten at McD's in ages. They've really improved the look of the burger. I might even try this one.

Debbie Rodgers said...

Looks so good. Closest McD's is nearly an hour away. :-(

Mary (Bookfan) said...

I think the only thing I've had at McDonald's in recent years is the vanilla cone. I used to love going there as a kid though.

gautami tripathy said...

I am hungry just by looking at that!


Here is my Saturday

Cipriano said...

Thank you so much for your lovely comments Merisi, Margaret, Louise, Eva, Diane, Staci, Christine, Kaye, Susan, Eugenia, Laurel,Paulita, Beth, Lisa, Alyse, Leslie, Debbie, Vicki, Mary, and Gautami [do any MEN read blogs ever?]...
Hey, I ain't complaining!
Thing is, I am really influencing people here. I should be getting some kickbacks from McDonald's for such free advertising of their products!

Merisi said...

Hehe, Cipriano, I get the drift! ;-)

Would "The Devil's Temptation" be more in line of what you were thinking? ;-)