I grabbed a pile of dust, and holding it up, foolishly asked for as many birthdays as the grains of dust, I forgot to ask that they be years of youth. -- Ovid, Metamorphoses -- [Today is mine -- and I forgot, too.]
Have a great Wednesday! *****
1 comment:
Happy Birthday Cippy! Don't worry, it's just a number. Your homie got there way before you and he's still very much a kid. I think he stalled at 15 and then slowly started to regress. We'll have a toast of red wine to your health tonight! C.
1 comment:
Happy Birthday Cippy! Don't worry, it's just a number. Your homie got there way before you and he's still very much a kid. I think he stalled at 15 and then slowly started to regress.
We'll have a toast of red wine to your health tonight!
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