We could choose to live as though the best meaning and purpose we could find for our own lives is the very meaning and purpose of the universe itself. We could pay the universe a compliment it probably does not deserve by living as though its purpose were love, as one tradition in Christianity says it is. And if the universe, in the end, were to prove us wrong, who cares? Our lives then, would have been an act of defiance of indifferent power, and power is always worth defying. -- Richard Holloway, Looking In The Distance, p.55 --
This book is FANTASTICALLY good and relevant and should be read by every human being that is concerned with being a more well-informed human being unit... thing.
Cip, I'm tagging you for the 8 Things meme. The details are on my blog, no obligation if you don't feel like it!
That was in inspirational splash...
This book is FANTASTICALLY good and relevant and should be read by every human being that is concerned with being a more well-informed human being unit... thing.
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