← And Joe Pesci never fails to crack me up. There is just something about him that is genuinely funny, as soon as he says ANYTHING, I am laughing!
And the matchup in this movie, with Marisa Tomei as his vivacious sidekick [she won an Oscar for ‘dis t’ing!] is supoib.
OK, so here is a scene, so simple, but so funny.
All they are trying to do is order breakfast.
But nothin’ comes easy, in My Cousin Vinny.

1 comment:
Drats, makes me homesick for "Georgia Brown" and their grits with shrimp jambalaya. Out of this world. And green fried tomatoes as a side dish.
I have got to watch this movie (haven't, I admit). Thank you! :-)
(Watch your lard intake!)
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