Usually on CBC.
I like to hear the news segments, etc... it's always good to know if [for instance] a local Ontario earthquake just took place, or if the tremor I just felt was [as usual].... just gas!
Anyhoo -- today I happened to be near the radio just as the radio program "Q" was on -- with host Jian Ghomeshi. He was interviewing Nate Phelps, who is the son of the senior pastor of Westboro Baptist Church in Topeka, Kansas.
For those of you who do not know much about this legalistic posse of believers -- suffice it to say that this particular church is an extremely fundamentalist Christian outfit.
They're what you might call EXTREMIST-Christians.
At one point in the interview, Jian asks Phelps about how he came to a place of renouncing the narrow-minded fundamentalist views of his family.
Phelps described how the apostasy of his brother was a sort of catalyst for his own defection. But then he related a fascinating little story, involving his 7-year old son.
Ingenious lad that I am, I have extracted this one segment of the podcast here with my own camera.... it's well worth a thoughtful listen!
To me, this is as good a reason as any, to not only give a second thought as to what it is we ourselves believe -- but secondly, to reconsider how we may be negatively indoctrinating otherwise-normal children when we say crazy, nutty things to them.